Wednesday, August 8, 2007


"Language is a human instinct, but written language is not ... Children are wired for sound, but print is an optional accessory that must be painstakingly bolted on. This basic fact about human nature should be the starting point for any discussion about how to teach our children to read and write."Steven Pinker -- Cognitive scientist

Friday, June 22, 2007

Story and storytelling is innate in every human being. We enable participants to reach inside and touch what is already present allowing their own stories to bubble forth and take on new life. Creating new possibilities and success.

We teach storytelling and creative writing as a way to build confidence, structure, respect and as a way to diffuse conflict. Knowing each others stories tends to diffuse conflict and forge understandings.

We use technology to build results. Participants create their own Cd's of their stories, pod casts of their stories , and a small website for each school or participatory program.

Using storytelling we anticipate the following Goals

teaching storytelling and creative writing will strengthen critical skills(benefiting students in mcas)
diffuse frustration and conflict using the power of story as a tool

increase participants knowledge of technology and the possibilities it can provide

participants discover what they all have in common and thus building a strong bonds and collaboration amongst each other.